Software developer since the Commodore C64 in 1984. After that he switched to Windows (2.0 / 286).
So the way was almost clear: Basic, TurboPascal, TurboPascal for Windows, VBA, Delphi, C++,
SQL, HTML, PHP and a little bit of Java. He uses MFC, XML and sometimes COM. Main focus
is usability, GUI and OOP
In "real life" he did promotions, training and worked on tradeshows. Software was developed (freelance and full-time permanent) for POS (Point of sale), Stratetic Decision Management TV Homeshopping and much more
Hobbies are music, cars (oldtimer) and ... just living.
Software development since the "stone age" of computers: C64 (1984), Windows (1990), UNIX (1993),
Linux (1998) OS/390 (2002). Development experience in Basic, Assembler, Pascal, C++,
Java, PL/I and SQL, HTML, COM, MFC, ATL and CIC.
The main focuses are distributed systems, document management and workflow.
Realisation of different IT projects since 1994: system and process analysis, business Process Redesign, creation IT architectures, rough concepts and IT concepts, support and controlling external partners, stand-alone development, rollout and migration.
Hobbies: travelling, scuba-diving and skiing.