Welcome to PGV iPhone!
These files extend PhpGedView so that you can browse the database on your iphone. Please note
that only a small part of the original functions is available. Especially there is no support for
editing entries, administrate the site etc. Only an individual's data is displayed, no familys, no charts,
no media, sources, notes etc. As my own database is quite simple there was no test on sites that use
more than 1 gedcom file. There was also no test for restricions based on the data entry or user.
No original files were modified. Therefor some functions are duplicated in the source code. I think this is better than to modify the original code.
This file is released under the GPL. lots of code was copied and modified form PhpGedView. It uses the iwebkit pack, the fact icons are based on the
Extract all files to your PHPGedView root directory. If your site is normally e.g. www.test.com just enter www.test.com/iphone to access the iphone specific layout. If you are allowed to use .htaccess in your site just do nothing - it will switch between the 2 versions automatically (from v 0.3).
This file is released under the GPL. lots of code was copied and modified form PhpGedView. It uses the iwebkit pack, the fact icons are based on the
PhpGedView iphone 0.1 für PHPGedView 4.2.2, 169kB created 12/21/2009
PhpGedView iphone 0.2 für PHPGedView 4.2.3, 197kB created 03/24/2010
PhpGedView iphone 0.3 für PHPGedView 4.2.3, 215kB created 06/21/2010