Any questions? Here are the answers!
Currently the most common Apache formats Common and Full are supported.
Even compressed log files (gz
or zip
) are opened
All data is analyzed "live". No data is stored to any kind of database. This can cause a small delay during reading the files or creation of a report. This is approx. 1 sec per 10.000 lines of log during reading the file or 0.5 sec for creating a report
I'm focusing small (privat or half-private) sites containing one or more domains. Even larger files can be analyzed, but this will cause the program to slow down during file open. Any size of up to 10 MB is just right. Larger files (even more than 100 MB) can be opened - if you have time...
No data is sent to me or anybody else.
Windows (95 or higher) and an installed Internet Explorer are required.
The price is zero! Therefor I can't guarantee any support. But if you have problems or requests for future versions please send an eMail. I'll help you if I have time. I also can not guarantee for any report results, that the program is totally bugfree or that it has no security risks. As I use it myself be sure that I'll fix any problem I know as soon as possible! It's simply "What you get is what you see".